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Blog: Left by the wayside

Vieraskieliset / In-english29.6.2021 16.15

I have been mar­ve­ling at the num­ber of pe­op­le with com­pu­ter skil­ls du­ring this pan­de­mic. We have on­li­ne ser­vi­ces and live-stre­a­med pre­sen­ta­ti­ons as a rou­ti­ne. In our home zion, for ins­tan­ce, we had a cong­re­ga­ti­on eve­ning on­li­ne. Eve­ryt­hing was done re­al­ly pro­fes­si­o­nal­ly. I could not have ima­gi­ned this a coup­le of ye­ars ago.

Blog: Beautiful silmät

Vieraskieliset / In-english29.6.2021 15.55

May 9 was a Sun­day and Mot­hers’ Day this ye­ar. Nine ye­ars ago it was a Tu­es­day. On that day we had a baby boy with lo­ve­ly ey­es and long ey­e­las­hes. Throug­hout the preg­nan­cy I had gone for re­gu­lar ap­point­ments at the an­te­na­tal cli­nic, as all ex­pec­ting mot­hers do in Fin­land.

Blog: Oh, the good old times!

Vieraskieliset / In-english29.6.2021 15.50

I sud­den­ly re­mem­be­red a small, see­ming­ly unim­por­tant in­ci­dent from my yo­uth. I was about twen­ty and al­re­a­dy awa­re of my in­na­te im­pa­tient rest­les­s­ness, which I con­ti­nue to feel oc­ca­si­o­nal­ly. “Where should we go?” I of­ten as­ked then and still do to­day.

Blog: Jesus with Daddy

Vieraskieliset / In-english21.5.2021 7.05

It was eve­ning. The lit­t­le ones were sit­ting and pla­ying with their lego bricks. My hus­band was pre­pa­ring to go to work. He went round to each child and bles­sed them with the gos­pel. Then he came to me, and we hug­ged and bles­sed each ot­her. Sud­den­ly, when he was al­re­a­dy le­a­ving, our yo­un­gest child loo­ked up and said: “Dad­dy! You did not bless me!” My hus­band said he had al­re­a­dy done that. But the child had ap­pa­rent­ly been so se­ri­ous­ly con­cent­ra­ting on her play that she had not no­ti­ced it. She in­sis­ted: “You did not bless!”

Blog: Fragile

Vieraskieliset / In-english19.5.2021 7.05

The pac­ka­ges had white stic­kers with a pic­tu­re of a red crys­tal glass. They had stic­kers on all si­des. In ad­di­ti­on to those stic­kers, there were ot­hers that said: ”Fra­gi­le. Hand­le with care.” From fif­ty ye­ars ago, I still re­mem­ber the inst­ruc­ti­ons for hand­ling such pac­ka­ges: “Do not throw. Do not le­a­ve un­der ot­her pac­ka­ges. Hand­le with care”.

Blog: The gift of crying

Vieraskieliset / In-english17.5.2021 7.05

One mor­ning I was so sad that I just cried. All things see­med dif­fi­cult and frigh­te­ning, l was di­sap­poin­ted, and I felt my va­ca­ti­on had been far too short. Eve­ryt­hing see­med ut­ter­ly op­p­res­si­ve. I hug­ged my dog for con­so­la­ti­on. I lay down by its side, fee­ling my he­art weig­hed down by all my sor­rows. I just stro­ked the soft fur for a while, let­ting te­ars stream down my face, and the dog then lic­ked them off my face.

Blog: What am I like?

Vieraskieliset / In-english15.5.2021 7.05

I as­ked my child­ren what I should write in my next blog post. One of them sug­ges­ted I should write about my­self and tell the re­a­ders what I am like.

Blog: Alone

Vieraskieliset / In-english13.5.2021 7.05

The room was qui­et. The yo­ung boy was sit­ting alo­ne in the twi­light, sta­ring at his phone. My wife and I in the li­ving-room were won­de­ring why our son’s life was so lo­ne­ly. We were wor­ried that his lack of friends might le­a­ve deep scars in his mind. It was as if he were qui­et­ly slip­ping away from life.

Blog: Why should we pray?

Vieraskieliset / In-english11.5.2021 7.05

"For he will com­mand his an­gels con­cer­ning you to gu­ard you in all yo­ur ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike yo­ur foot against a stone." (Ps. 91:11–12).

Blog: Experiences of the covid year

Vieraskieliset / In-english5.4.2021 7.00

A ye­ar ago, I was in­vi­ted to start blog­ging for Päi­vä­mies. Op­ti­mis­ti­cal­ly, I ex­pec­ted that, gi­ven a full ye­ar, I would find 12 fair­ly good ide­as for blog posts. Well, I didn’t. De­ad­li­nes came and went, and I of­ten did not even touch the pen in the me­an­ti­me.

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Siunattu on se mies, joka luottaa Herraan ja panee turvansa häneen! Hän on kuin puron partaalle istutettu puu, joka kurottaa juurensa veteen. Jer. 17:7–8

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