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Vieraskieliset / In-english

Blog: Group work for one person

Vieraskieliset / In-english
29.6.2021 16.25

Juttua muokattu:

29.6. 16:24

I star­ted in a new job, and du­ring the first few months al­re­a­dy I have had many things to think about. As if I did not have enough on my plate al­re­a­dy! Our child­ren of­ten laugh and say that I could write good de­tec­ti­ve sto­ries with my wide-ran­ging ima­gi­na­ti­on. My ima­gi­na­ti­on brings a lot of co­lor to our dai­ly life, of­ten on­ly in my dre­ams but so­me­ti­mes even in real life.

At work we were loo­king for a cer­tain ba­king re­ci­pe. We did not find it, but found de­ca­des-old school no­te­books. We laug­hed when we read the old baby care inst­ruc­ti­ons. They said, for ins­tan­ce, that wor­king mot­hers would not be ab­le bre­ast-feed their ba­bies. Ba­bies were to be fed at cer­tain ti­mes on­ly, and the re­com­men­ded baby foods were a bit dif­fe­rent from what we use now. It is stran­ge how far pe­op­le can stray from the an­cient and na­tu­ral rhythms and prac­ti­ces. They as­su­me they know things and act in ra­ti­o­nal ways. Yet they may just be fol­lo­wing whims of fas­hi­on.

I be­lie­ve things go much bet­ter when we use our ins­tincts and the fa­mous com­mon sen­se.

There are not many be­lie­vers in Po­sio, and we have been ab­le to have ser­vi­ces and ot­her events wit­hin the im­po­sed rest­ric­ti­ons. Bib­le class and Sun­day school have been ar­ran­ged out­doors. I was al­so in­vi­ted to at­tend Bib­le class, though I on­ly gave a ride to our own Bib­le class stu­dents and went to do my month­ly work cont­ri­bu­ti­on at the ry. The te­ac­her of the Bib­le class had pre­pa­red sets of tasks for six groups, and I was the sixth group.

My group work to­pic was "The Word re­mains fo­re­ver". While loo­king for Bib­le por­ti­ons re­la­ted to this, I kept thin­king along the same li­nes as Mat­ti Tas­ki­la, who wri­tes: “Many things chan­ge in the cour­se of time and in line with pe­op­le’s pre­fe­ren­ces, but God’s word re­mains unc­han­ged and in­de­pen­dent of the pub­lic opi­ni­on.”

" All pe­op­le are like grass, and all their glory is like the flo­wers of the field; the grass wit­hers and the flo­wers fall, but the word of the Lord en­du­res fo­re­ver.” (1 Pet. 1:24–25). This word is safe, and it is good to re­mem­ber it again and again, es­pe­ci­al­ly when things seem to go wrong or lead to a dead end.

I pro­bab­ly read the Bib­le and SRK’s de­vo­ti­o­nal books far too sel­dom, but whe­ne­ver I do, I find com­fort and se­cu­ri­ty in them. I on­ce le­a­fed through the Bib­le for so­met­hing to write on a card to a new­ly-wed coup­le, but all things I found see­med to suit my own life si­tu­a­ti­on. I found not­hing for the yo­ung coup­le. It was an awe-ins­pi­ring ex­pe­rien­ce, al­most frigh­te­ning, as were the events that took place af­ter that. For­tu­na­te­ly, ho­we­ver, all that strengt­he­ned my weak faith and sho­wed me the way ahe­ad. It made me feel se­cu­re and con­fi­dent of God’s gui­dan­ce, which I so­me­ti­mes doubt. That was how I had al­so felt then. I had even said aloud that God had not­hing good to give to me.

But He had good things to give then and still does, if on­ly I open my ey­es and look around.

In ad­di­ti­on to faith and con­fi­den­ce, a right kind of at­ti­tu­de helps in many si­tu­a­ti­ons. Vik­tor E. Frankl, who sur­vi­ved his stay on a con­cent­ra­ti­on camp, said: "You can dep­ri­ve a per­son of all but one thing: the free­dom to choo­se their own at­ti­tu­de in wha­te­ver si­tu­a­ti­on they may be.”

On the con­cent­ra­ti­on camp he al­so saw that, even in those in­hu­man cir­cums­tan­ces, those who had faith were ab­le to ar­ran­ge small pra­yers or de­vo­ti­ons in their cor­ners. I am par­ti­cu­lar­ly in­te­res­ted in sto­ries from the Ausch­witz con­cent­ra­ti­on camp, be­cau­se I vi­si­ted there when I was ten ye­ars old. I saw the fur­na­ces, the disp­lay ca­ses of items col­lec­ted from the in­ma­tes, and a do­cu­men­ta­ry from the time the camp was still in ope­ra­ti­on. I re­mem­ber all that, but to a child the events were so in­comp­re­hen­sib­le that they did not even seem shoc­king. If I went there now, I am sure I would just cry.

I al­so le­arnt anot­her thing in the Bib­le class. I have been pon­de­ring about some to­pi­cal mat­ters, such as di­a­co­nal work and the Fin­nish Church’s joint res­pon­si­bi­li­ty col­lec­ti­on. How could we find the strength and wil­ling­ness to par­ti­ci­pa­te and cont­ri­bu­te?

Lau­ri Tas­ki­la has writ­ten: "Re-born pe­op­le do not live on­ly for them­sel­ves but for their Cre­a­tor. They want to be mer­ci­ful to their neigh­bors and love them with the same love that they have been lo­ved with. In this they are gui­ded by God’s Word, which is like a light shi­ning in the dark and shows them the right way." (2 Pet. 1:19.)

Text: Sal­la Pät­si

Trans­la­ti­on: Sirk­ka-Lii­sa Lei­no­nen


Siunattu on se mies, joka luottaa Herraan ja panee turvansa häneen! Hän on kuin puron partaalle istutettu puu, joka kurottaa juurensa veteen. Jer. 17:7–8

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