My dear godchild, I decided to write you a letter. I have been planning to write this letter for some time already. I would like to remember each of my godchildren like this. I was prompted to write a letter when I read an article about godparenthood in a magazine.
I go back in my thoughts to the wonderful moment when I held you in my arms for baptism. The minister officiating at your baptism spoke about the valuable duty of godparents.
When I have sometimes asked children what a good godmother is like, they have said that she brings presents. But bringing presents is not the godmother’s only task or obligation, although it may seem so to het godchildren. The most important task of godparents is to support the child’s Christian faith together with his or her parents. Godparenthood may result in a lifelong friendship between the child and the adult.
My dear godchild, we have experienced many wonderful moments of togetherness while doing ordinary everyday things together. I remember the times we baked cakes together and went on trips and picnics. I have also enjoyed the special occasions of celebrating your birthdays and other festive moments together. I always eagerly look forward to your visits. I hope we can continue to have such nice meetings even in the future.
I feel that the godmother retreats into the background as the child grows up. But that does not mean that she forgets about her godchildren. Each of them still has their own place in my heart and my prayers.
Knitting a sock
I think about you,
at the threshold, opening the door into life,
full of the optimism of youth.
I think about you,
and knit many quiet prayers,
many whispers
into the stripes of the sock.
One of the most precious tasks of godparents is to remember their godchild and his or her family in prayers. Many of my prayers have been only quiet sighs. I have especially remembered you, dear godchild, when things have been difficult for you.
While writing this letter, I remember with special warm feelings you, dear godchild of mine, who have given up your childhood faith. I will pray to the Heavenly Father that you will hear His call. ”Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths.” (Ps. 25:4).
We sat at the table
drawing pictures,
I listened to the lightness of your speech.
Next to me another face,
eyes full of child-like joy.
Now I stand at the window
fall leaves have
restless echoes.
The least I can do
is to fold my fingers in prayer.
I want to thank you, dear godchild of mine, for all the lovely letters and cards that you wrote with your childish handwriting as well as the pictures that I have received. I feel very good to have been remembered. Now that hardly anybody is sending letters or cards any more, I would love to get a card from you or a new picture of you and your family!
With lots of love,
your godmother
Text: Vaula Eskeli
Translation: Sirkka-Liisa Leinonen
You will find the original blog post here.
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