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Vieraskieliset / In-english

Blog: Children’s rights are for all children

Vieraskieliset / In-english
10.2.2022 6.00

Juttua muokattu:

19.1. 11:43

In the Fin­nish ca­len­dar, No­vem­ber 20th is de­sig­na­ted as the Day of Child­ren’s Rights and the week of No­vem­ber 15th-20th as the Week of Child­ren’s Rights. This day has been in our ca­len­dar sin­ce 2002. The UN ap­p­ro­ved and ra­ti­fied the Con­ven­ti­on on Child­ren’s Hu­man Rights in 1989, and the con­ven­ti­on came in­to ef­fect in Fin­land 30 ye­ars ago, at the be­gin­ning of 1991.

Child­ren’s rights inc­lu­de non-disc­ri­mi­na­ti­on of child­ren, ack­now­led­ge­ment of child­ren’s in­te­rests, child­ren’s right to life and de­ve­lop­ment, and res­pect for child­ren’s per­so­nal views. These rights ap­p­ly to in­di­vi­du­als aged un­der 18. Their re­a­li­za­ti­on in Fin­land is mo­ni­to­red by the Par­li­a­ment, the Par­li­a­men­ta­ry Om­buds­man and the Om­buds­man for Child­ren.

Child­ren’s rights are for all child­ren. Adults are res­pon­sib­le for pro­vi­ding ap­p­rop­ri­a­te care and se­cu­ri­ty to child­ren and for lis­te­ning to their opi­ni­ons.

The best de­fen­der of child­ren’s rights was Je­sus. The Bib­le tel­ls us that Je­sus re­bu­ked the dis­cip­les who did not al­low child­ren to come to Him. Je­sus said to them: ”Let the lit­t­le child­ren come to me, and do not hin­der them, for the king­dom of God be­longs to such as these.” (Mark. 10:14.)

When con­si­de­ring child­ren’s right, we may turn to our own child­hood, thin­king about the re­a­ring prac­ti­ces of that time and won­de­ring whet­her we ex­pe­rien­ced fair­ness and just­ness at home.

Many home re­a­ring prac­ti­ces are pas­sed on from one ge­ne­ra­ti­on to the next. The foun­da­ti­on of life in a be­lie­ving home is God’s word, which gui­des the pa­rents to treat their child­ren with fair­ness, love and equ­a­li­ty.

Many of our me­mo­ries of fair­ness in child­hood are re­la­ted to how fair­ly can­dy or ot­her tre­ats were di­vi­ded bet­ween the sib­lings. I was told by a friend that their child­ren used a ru­ler to make sure each child got a big enough slice of ice-cream or exact­ly the same amount of soda pop.

Pa­rents may won­der if they have been good enough in their pa­rent­hood. Their minds may be weig­hed down by wor­ries about their own re­sour­ces, the dai­ly work, their child­ren’s well-being. No-one can be a per­fect pa­rent. Yet we can­not le­a­ve child­ren to grow by them­sel­ves; in dif­fi­cult si­tu­a­ti­ons pa­rents may seek the help of so­cie­ty. All child­ren are equ­al­ly va­lu­ab­le, all of them gifts of God.

By their own examp­le of res­pec­ting child­ren and tre­a­ting them equ­al­ly, adults can te­ach child­ren and yo­ung pe­op­le to be­ha­ve kind­ly to­ward ot­her pe­op­le. Awa­re­ness of child­ren’s rights pre­vents malt­re­at­ment of child­ren. Adults with a po­si­ti­ve at­ti­tu­de pro­vi­de se­cu­ri­ty to child­ren and pro­mo­te their men­tal growth. A good and con­sis­tent home en­vi­ron­ment helps child­ren to de­ve­lop skil­ls that strengt­hen their self-es­teem and de­ve­lop­ment.

Hu­man life pas­ses through dif­fe­rent sta­ges, and di­sap­point­ments are ine­vi­tab­le even in child­hood. Events inf­lu­en­ce child­ren in va­ri­ous ways and shape the way they ex­pe­rien­ce the world. Dif­fi­cult life si­tu­a­ti­ons may ul­ti­ma­te­ly prove be­ne­fi­ci­al and en­han­ce child­ren’s abi­li­ty to ad­just and cope.

When I think back to my own child­hood, I re­mem­ber we did many things to­get­her and par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the dai­ly cho­res, each ac­cor­ding to their age-ap­p­rop­ri­a­te abi­li­ties. Alt­hough there was a lot of hard work, I most­ly have good me­mo­ries of my child­hood. Those ex­pe­rien­ces lay a good foun­da­ti­on for adult­hood. My pa­rents emp­ha­si­zed po­li­te be­ha­vi­or and made a clear dis­tinc­ti­on bet­ween good and evil. When I was yo­ung, I so­me­ti­mes found the li­mits too strict, but I have la­ter re­a­li­zed that they were just a way of ca­ring.


Kun hän huutaa minua, minä vastaan. Minä olen hänen tukenaan ahdingossa, pelastan hänet ja nostan taas kunniaan. Ps. 91:15

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